Blessings That Come Hidden in Rejection

When you work really hard to achieve something and it doesn’t work out, that rejection can cut like a knife. Failure and rejection isn’t easy for anyone, but it doesn’t have to be your downfall. If you can learn to see rejection as merely a part of live as opposed to a devastating failure, you…

Unique Ways to Improve Your Memory and Recall

Our memory is a muscle that should be exercised just like any other. If we neglect to maintain and improve our memory and recall abilities, we will quickly notice our brain function declining. Stay on top of your game by incorporating these exercises into your everyday routine and you’ll notice a definite improvement in your…

How to Make a Great First Impression

As we stated in last month’s blog, you only get one chance at giving a great first impression. Whether you’re going for an interview, a first date, or hoping to strike a deal with a potential new client, the initial impression that you give off can be your greatest asset, or your biggest downfall. Unfortunately,…

The Importance of Making a Good First Impression

As the saying goes, “You will never get a second chance to make a first impression”. As we’ve all heard time and time again, first impressions are crucial. That’s why we all panic before an important interview, or shake in our boots before meeting our significant other’s parents for the first time. That’s why we…

How to Manage the Pressure of Entrepreneurship

Everyone who has ever worked knows that every job comes with its fair share of stress. Entrepreneurs are no strangers to workplace stress and are more likely to endure stress due to the long hours and risky nature of their careers. No matter what industry you’re in, work-related stress is inevitable. It’s important to take…

How to Gracefully Accept Constructive Criticism

  We don’t care who you are, criticism is never easy to swallow. We’ve all seen those people who graciously accept constructive criticism…even those people who completely get torn apart and accept it with a thank you and a smile on their face! What’s up with that?! How do they keep their composure?! No matter…

Qualities Of People Who Are Easy To Talk To

You know when you meet someone and the conversation is just “on”? There is no awkwardness and no one person in monopolizing the conversation. There is a smooth back and forth banter and the free-flowing exchange is truly enjoyable. In a world where most of our daily interactions barely scratch the surface, it is so…

Tips for Productive Conference Calls

In this day and age, conference calls have become an important part of integral corporate functioning. Many businesses outsource services from other companies, which makes telecommunicating a necessity to ensure that operations go off without a hitch. Conference calls are also very handy when staff members are out of office or on business trips during…